Here are two simple methods for doing keyword research using the Google search engine.
Rough Transcript
Most search marketers use keyword tools to do their keyword research but you can actually get great keywords just from the Google search engine.
Here are two ways to do this.
First, go to the Google homepage. Then, type in a keyword about your industry that you think has a high search volume. I’m going to type in “sports cars”.
And as you can see, there is a drop-down menu with related keywords. You’ve probably seen this menu if you’ve ever searched on Google but have you ever thought of actually targeting the keywords in the drop-down menu?
You can see why these keywords would be great keywords to target. Many people will be exposed to them since “sports cars” is a high volume search term. If you click on one of the keywords, you’ll be taken to the search results for that particular search term.
The second method is just as simple. Let’s go back to the Google home page. And type in another popular search term, “how to get a job”.
As you can see, there are related searches at the top. These keywords are great keywords to target since many people will notice the related search terms and click them to see the search results for those terms.
Now the related searches don’t usually appear at the top. Let’s do a search for “fitness workouts”. Instead, Google puts the related search terms for this keyword at the bottom of the first page of results.
Wow. You know I put terms in that bar for years and never gave attention to the keywords in the drop down menu. That changes a lot things for how I do my keyword search terms. Good stuff.
I do not see a drop down menu in the google search window.
How do I get it.
Thanks, Sam. And cool site name. Traffic is king 🙂
hkpatnaik, you need to have Javascript enabled on your browser. If you have the NoScript plugin for Firefox, you need to allow
Hope that helps.