Important: For best results, download our accompanying Custom Twitter Profile Files, which you can feel free to use when customizing your own Twitter Profile.
Hi, everyone- and welcome to Tubetorial. This is Lorraine Nepomuceno.
Today I want to show you how to customize your Twitter profile. As you know, Twitter is one of the most powerful social media tools today, so if you use Twitter, it’s a good idea to have a profile that stands out from the rest. And as you’ll see, it’s easy to do.
First, you’ll want to find an image for your background. I recommend you use an image that’s at least 1280×1024 pixels in size. You can use an existing photo from your collection, or you can find a free one online- and that’s what I’ve done today. I’ve downloaded a free background from STOCK.XCHNG it’s free to signup by the way, just make sure to pick a large enough image.
All these files are available for download right here, by the way, and you can feel free to play around with them, and use them in your Twitter profile.
Now let me show you how you can personalize your background in Photoshop. Go ahead and open the PSD file, and you’ll see that I’ve placed a little box in the upper left corner of the image. You can edit this text with your own twitter name, or your full name if you like, what you do, what your website address is- that sort of thing. It’s important NOT to go beyond the size of the box, or your details might get hidden behind the Twitter box on some monitors. You’ll also want to change the photo here. Please do.
Once you’re happy with how it looks, save it as a jpeg- I like to use Save for Web, JPEG, set to High Quality. This gives me a filesize under 200k, which is good because that means it’ll load up pretty fast. Twitter wants you to keep your filesize below 800k, but if you want it to load faster, I suggest you stick with around 200 to 300k.
Go ahead and save the jpeg on your computer- and lets upload it to your Twitter profile.
Log in to Twitter, and in the upper right hand menu, click on “Settings”. Then click on the “Design” tab. You’ll see Twitter’s pre-built background designs, which are very nice, but today we want to click on “Change background image” below that. A blank box will appear next to a Browse button. Click the Browse button, find the jpeg file on your computer, and then click the “save changes” button at the bottom of the page.
And there you have it! Your own personalized Twitter profile page.
Finally, let’s look at some customized Twitter profiles. Seeing these should give you an idea of what you can do with your profile…
I hope you found today’s tutorial useful, and remember to visit for more video tutorials.