Hi everyone, and welcome to another episode of Tubetorial. I’m Lorraine Nepomuceno.
Most of us use Twitter, Facebook, and other social media applications for work or personal purposes- and it’s nice to have a central place for all these things. Today, I want to show you how to create such a place online- by using Sweetcron to make your very own “lifestream”.
First, you’ll want to go to You’ll see a simple description of what this software does, and a link to download it. Go ahead and download it to your computer, and unzip it. Open up the Sweetcron directory, and go into System » Application » Config. Open up the file named Config-Sample.php and type the base URL of your website, or wherever you’ll be setting up your lifestream. You will also want to edit the Database-Sample.php file with your database information.
Rename both these files, removing the “-Sample” so they are named config.php and database.php.
Now, upload all the files via FTP to your web host. Once everything is uploaded, open up the directory in your web browser.
It’s very simple to install from here. Click the “install” link, and fill out your information. You will want to add feeds right away, and this is where you put in links to your Twitter account, or any other social media RSS feed you’d like to include in your lifestream. Run a manual cron once (select “True Cron” in the Options tab) to populate your lifestream… and there you go.
* After running the True Cron for the first time, make sure you change the option back to Pseudo Cron.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of Tubetorial, and visit us again for more video tutorials at!
I have been experimenting with aggregators for years having scrapped one together for testing and tweaking Sweetcron before finally settling upon the far superior AmpliFeeder Sweetcron was left in the dust with the releas of AmpliFeeder.