Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With the Help of SEO Digger

I’m continuing the series about SEO Digger, a great keyword research tool.  This is the third video in the series.

  1. SEO Digger: Discover the Top Keywords of Any Website
  2. Target Your Competitor’s Keywords With SEO Digger
  3. Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With the Help of SEO Digger « You Are Here

If you haven’t seen any of the other videos, I would advise you to see the first video.  It gives you an introduction on how to use SEO Digger.

In this video, I talk about using SEO Digger to find keywords that you can move closer to the top position on Google.  I give three tips for improving your search engine rankings.

  1. Add the keywords to the title tag and meta description tag.
  2. Add the keywords in the body text.
  3. Build links with appropriate anchor text, if possible.

Also, here is an article I wrote on Performancing that is related to this video:

How to Move From the 2nd Page of Google to the 1st Page

Finally, feel free to leave a comment or email me at deebarizo [ATT] gmail [DOTT] com with your questions.

Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With SEO Digger from Dee Barizo on Vimeo.



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  1. I used seodigger long time ago when it was just in its starting phase and keyword database was too less at that time, after reading your articles and checking video, i tried it again and found lots improved with correct keyword positions, thanks for seodigger reminder and it can really help SEO projects

  2. I was watching your video on SEODigger, but when I went to get the software, it says it was replaced with SEMRUSH. Just wondering if I was in the right place. I am new to doing my own Search engine optimization, so trying to act like a sponge and absorb as much information as I can.