Thanks to blogging, millions of people are now publishing online with zero knowledge of basic HTML, which is the most basic language that web pages are built upon.
However, that lack of basic knowledge often leaves people unable to make simple tweaks to elements of their blogs, or to create a simple web page that lies outside of the blog architecture and navigation.
This series will teach you the basics of HTML so you can enjoy greater creative control and freedom with your online publishing, whether that be with blogs or with web pages built with WYSIWYG HTML editors like Dreamweaver and FrontPage.
- How to Create a Simple HTML Web Page
- Here’s How HTML Tags Work When Creating Web Pages
- How to Format Web Page Text With Block Tags
- Spice Up Your Web Page Text With Inline Tags
- How to Code Links and Images in HTML
- How to Code Tables in HTML
- How to Create Web Forms in HTML
- When to Use Div and Span Tags With HTML
how to create a html?
Wich FTP client do u chose to use? I like simple and tidy programs just like Notepad ++
Any suggestions?
Hello Dixon. I’m currently using WS_FTP Professional by Ipswitch ( I’ve used other products before but don’t really have any favorite, per se.
I just listened and watched the first 2 tubetorials ~which were great! It said ‘next time we will learn about Block Tags in lesson 3’
Where is lesson #3? Are there more?
I am enjoying the learning; great teaching. I want more.
Dawn. I’m so glad you liked the tubetorials so far. We put out hearts into these things so it really makes us feel good when we see comments like yours. Yes, lesson 3 is ready to go and will be posted pronto. And, yes, there will be many more to come.
Listened to all three tubetorials and they were fantastic—great teaching! When does number 4 come out?
Hey Jim. Thanks for the praise. I’m so glad that you like the tubetorials. I’m currently working on the forth one right now. It would have been done sooner but your instructor, that’s me, came down with a wicked case of the flu. Sorry for the delay, but more are on the way for sure.
Hi Everyone,
Just wondering if/when the submission form will be back up. I’ve got a video related to internet marketing I was going to contribute!
Thanks for the tubetorials. These are great and very helpful.
Good job on this, you are very clear and concise.
i use dreamweavers built in ftp as its easy and coensides with my web design workflow
I have now been through the whole html tubetorial and really enjoyed it. Do you still plan to do a series on CSS?
Hi Justin. A CSS series is a strong possibility.
Nice tutorials! I am trying to teach my sister some basic HTML :D. I think it’s a great idea to do a CSS serie… About the FTP suggestion: I use coreftp (just Google it it’s free!).
beautiful tutorials, certainly for the starting web master. Thanks,
Since the videos aren’t working and you haven’t posted a new server for them, are they for purchase? I used them in my classroom and I miss them!
When will the videos be back online? They’re excellent and I’m really missing them. If you don’t intend to put them online again, are they for purchase?
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make these AWESOME tutorials!! I have watched 6 of them so far and have been taking notes for quick reference. I am excited to get started on building my own html webpage. Cant thank you enough!!!
You’re welcome Andy.
very good!
HTML from 0 –> 100.
Actually if you have some basic knowledge of HTML, you can manage your blog much easier and make your blog more interesting.
Back to about 1995 when I first composing webpages, the only tool were Notepad and PaintBrush.
Thanks for these one, its really helpful… Thank you guys..
I am just learning how to develp a website for my Mobile Home Community.
I came across your TubeTorial and was very impressed. I followed through 4 of your excellent lessons so far with good success.
I am using a Clone of another web site as a starting point and so far have not seen how to insert HTML into a section of the cloned site.
I right clicked on the Classifieds ad page and found the source code. I then copied this into a Word File and made changes to some text. Now I suppose that the file should be saved as an HTML file. I need to know how to replace the existing page.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
P.S. I am going back to start at lesson 1 again
HTML might be simple and the basics to web designing. However, there are so many people out there who have no idea of HTML and this is a very well written article that any newbie can learn from. Thanks for the nice post.