7 Must Have Killer WP Plugins

7 Must Have WordPress Plugins: Take your blog from good to great in just a few easy steps!

There’s no doubt that WordPress rocks as a blogging and content-management system. Once installed, you can do amazing things with it right out of the virtual box. In our first series, 7 Essential WordPress Hacks, we showed the most essential Plugins for your WordPress blog. Today we are back with a new series: 7 Must Have Killer Plugins for WordPress.

In this series we will present you some Plugins every pro uses on his blog. You should use them too!

  1. Ultimate Search Engine Optimization For WordPress
  2. Make It Easy For Search Engines Crawlers: Optimize Your Google Sitemap
  3. The Ultimate WordPress Database Optimisation
  4. Video Blogging The Easy Way With WordPress and Revver
  5. Easy and Automated Videoblog Aggreation
  6. Change Your Links Without 404s
  7. Blog Faster With Abbreviations

The easiest way to get started with WordPress is through the Fantastico WordPress installation from Colorteck, our host.



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  1. Killer list! Had to grab a few missing plugins for my blogs, subscribe to comments for one.. will be checking back for more.

  2. I’m trying to use the Adsense-Deluxe to insert ads in my WordPress pages and posts. It appears the instructions are for an old version of WordPress. Do you have a video or instructions of it for WP version 2.6?
    Also I’m not sure where the comes from could you explain that?

  3. This is a great list of plugins, thank you for this post! I’ll get them right now to test how great they are and how they will simplify my blogging

  4. hello, can you help me for the detail use for each plugins? I just start to built store based wordpress, and I think I need some of this.

  5. Very nice plugins. I needed someone to put them in one post. Thanks for doing that. Now, i can use them without any problem.