Using Podcasts to Train and Motivate Your Staff

Internet marketing comes in all forms, from websites and blogs to podcasts and adverts, you’ll don’t have any excuse when it comes to tapping the Internet and related technologies to push your business’ products and services.


When it comes to internet marketing though, people often automatically think that your target audience would be your customers or clients, but what you should realize is that your employees should be the first ones totally sold on the product or service. Employees and staff who believe in what you have to offer and in the company itself will be more eager and proud to do their jobs and so perform better. So you’d better make sure that you find a way to sell them the brand and each product, because you can bet that word will also get around as to how staff members actually feel about them.

You can use podcasts to build your business, not only by reaching your customers but also because they are perfect for training and motivating your staff. Sure, meetings and team building activities have their place, but you can only hold so much such sessions without disrupting operations. Spreading information in the form of podcasts, on the other hand, is more convenient since people can view/listen to them in at their own pace. You don’t have to gather everyone around to get them to listen to the podcast, but make sure that you’re on the right track with your content strategy and don’t push for podcasts just because they seem cool.

When it comes to training material, you have the option of producing your own specialized podcasts for how-to guides. Video podcasts are especially suited for this function since you can actually show them step-by-step instructions on how to perform their duties better. Audio podcasts can also be used for training material, but only for those that do not require a peek into a hands-on process such as training material on customer skills and sales tips.

Realistically speaking, not every business has the resources to produce really good podcast episodes. If you’re just a really small business, or even a medium enterprise, then you might be tempted to just get one of your managers to make one for your or even start blabbing and record what you have to say. DON’T. Producing a super-boring and ill-produced podcast can do more harm for your business as it irritates and demoralizes employees forced to listen and watch these podcasts. So unless you’re pretty sure that your podcast is something that will help your employees, maybe you can stick to downloading or sending links to them of popular motivational podcasts that will help them grow both as an employee and in their personal lives.


Author Bio:

Andrew Ewing is a professional blogger that shares tips and advice about franchising topics. He writes for, a leading franchise directory. 


Photo Credit: Mingo Hagen



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