Spot News 18 Achieving a New Milestone with Real and Authentic News

Spot News 18

Ashish Kumar Mishra of Spot News 18 tells us how they provide real and accurate news to everyone.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Spot News 18.

Ashish Kumar Mishra: I am the founder of Spot News 18; when I was pursuing my BSc in Computer Science degree, I thought of starting my own news website. Creating this website was only to provide real and accurate news to everyone. I have seen that many news websites provide false news, which is a severe issue—that is why here at Spot News 18, we publish only real and true news.

Do you have small habits that made a meaningful impact on your life and business? 

Ashish Kumar Mishra: Yes, I have a habit of reading the news and gathering information about what is happening. This habit of mine has now been turned into a business. This has helped me a lot in making this website a success.

How does Spot News 18 market its product/services online?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: We have a dedicated team of journalists, reporters, marketing, and many more groups working at Spot News 18 to run it.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: We have a dedicated marketing team working on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms to share the news. 

What is your hiring policy/process, and how do you retain your employees?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: Our hiring policy is clear one need to have good knowledge of English and must know-how about writing news and marketing it. If you have the ability on this, you are eligible for our Company. Most of our employees have been working with us since the start of the website; the main reason is that we don’t put any pressure on our employees; they are free to work from home or the office. 

How are you funding your growth?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: For starting this website, I have Bootstrapped funding. Later on, once we began earning a decent amount from our website, we started using that earning from it.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: Here in News Industry, we have a lot of competitors, so we have designed to cover that news that is not covered by this top news website. This will help us to reach more audiences.

Your final thoughts?

Ashish Kumar Mishra: I can only advise everyone to think again if they have a website if it’s performing the way they expect and if it answers all requirements for a well-performing website, because it may be of crucial importance for their business in the months to come.

Your website?

Spot News 18

Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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