Mohammad Majedur Rahman of Infotecsourz tells us about photo retouching services.
First of all, how are you and your family doing?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: Thanks, I am fine. The family is doing well.
Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Infotecsourz.
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: I am the founder and CEO of I started Infotecsourz to provide image editing solutions for photographers & E-commerce business owners.
How does Infotecsourz market its product/services online?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: We provide image editing & retouching solutions for businesses both online & offline. Our core services are E-commerce Product Image Editing, Image Background Remove, Product 3D Modelling, Image Retouching, Clipping Path Service, and many more. We are working with thousands of business owners and photographers around the globe. They can easily place an order online through our website and social media.
How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how did you get through it?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: COVID-19 does not affect our business. During this time, we started work from home. So our company is going well.
What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: I can say most of our clients are from abroad, so we are focusing on digital marketing. Our first priority is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social media marketing (SMM), and Blog / Content marketing. Other tools we are using as well to promote our brand and website.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: We have a lot of competitors nowadays but we stand out from them by providing affordable and quality service.
Your final thoughts?
Mohammad Majedur Rahman: In this post-COVID situation, I would like to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and photographers provide the best quality image editing service solutions for their e-commerce and photography businesses. Finally, we should love to help each other in business and quality of life. Good luck to all.
Knowledgeable suggestions. Thanks