Crypto Play to Earn Changes Gaming Landscape 

Raghulan Gowthaman VirtuaCoin

Raghulan Gowthaman of VirtuaCoin tells us about gaming and cryptocurrency.

First of all, how are you and your family doing? 

Raghulan Gowthaman: Very well, thanks for asking. I hope you and your family are doing fine too.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded VirtuaCoin.

Raghulan Gowthaman: I founded Virtua Finance Pty Limited in Sydney, Australia. It is the parent company of VirtuaCoin and VirtuaSWAP. Previous to this, I founded Virtua Technologies, Virtua Imports, and VirtuaHub. VirtuaCoin is a play to earn cryptocurrency, where users would be able to earn/ spend Virtuacoins through our games, such as Rushraids and TutiGames. 

How does VirtuaCoin market its products/services online? 

Raghulan Gowthaman: For VirtuaCoin, we use Twitter, medium, Instagram, Facebook, and discord. We actively post the latest crypto-related news and updates related to our projects, such as Rushraids and TutiGames.

We keep our community active by posting at least 2 updates per day.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how did you get through it?

Raghulan Gowthaman: We focused on developing our first large game title, Rushraids, and completing the backend architecture for VirtuaCoin. Since Virtua Finance is self-funded, we didn’t have much of an impact during the pandemic.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Raghulan Gowthaman: We use several different tools to manage our online campaigns and social media activities, such as TubeBuddy, Hootsuite, and Adobe cc.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Raghulan Gowthaman: Currently, crypto play-to-earn games are trending, and there are many players in the market, such as axie infinity and decentralland. But most of the crypto play to earn games don’t cater to mainstream gamers who play games such as Fortnite and pubG; hence we created the game Rushraids which is a Multiplayer 3D action RPG game that has VirtuaCoin integrated tightly as in-app currency; hence users would be able to earn/ buy and trade game assets using VirtuaCoin which is our native token. All the game assets sold are limited edition NFTs that the users would be able to trade or sell at a later stage in the VirtuaSWAP mobile app. Also another interesting feature of our game is the battlefield land of Rushraids would be sold as NFT parcels which generates a recurring income for the NFT land owners.

Your final thoughts?

Raghulan Gowthaman: This is a fantastic time to launch a crypto project, especially a crypto play-to-earn game, as the industry is getting warmed up; being early has its advantages. Currently, we have Rushriads which is due to be launched in October 2022, followed by TutiGames and a few other titles. Recently, the gaming industry has experienced a steady influx of new gamers. Millions of hours are clocked each hour by gamers around the world, where human potential is wasted without any return. VirtuaCoin aims to solve this problem by creating a cryptocurrency where gamers get paid for their skill and time.

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Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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