No More Shortage in Supply Chains with Flowlity

Jean-Baptiste Clouard Flowlity,

Jean-Baptiste Clouard, CEO at Flowlity, tells us about a unique solution to navigate through uncertainty and plan your inventories in just a few clicks.

First of all, how are you and your family doing?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard: I am doing great! Thank you for asking. I am fortunate to share that I recently became a dad! My wife gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy last month. It is really exciting and tiring both at the same, but we are having an amazing time together as a family.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Flowlity.

Jean-Baptiste Clouard: I have been working in the corporate world, specifically in the supply chain industry, for quite some time now. But there was always a small voice in my head that wanted me to build something of my own. That voice grew with time, and I realized that I wanted to be an entrepreneur! The market is volatile, and things are changing quicker than we could anticipate, especially in the supply chain world. The pandemic is the biggest example in front of us. I knew there was a great potential to transform the supply chain business. I just could not entirely figure out how I could make my vision a reality. Fortunately, that was the exact moment when I met Karim for the first time. Karim, my co-founder, and I met at the Entrepreneur First program and immediately clicked. He was an absolute delight to talk to. We talked for hours and realized that our vision to create something transformative was in sync. We could see in each other that we collectively can build an AI-equipped platform that will indeed reinvent the supply chains globally. It was the start of a beautiful journey. We spent months in R&D and then successfully created Flowlity. Since then, we have never looked back. We are growing exponentially, and we do not plan to stop.

How does Flowlity market its product/ service online?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard: We are based in Paris, but you can find us anywhere in the world! In fact, you would be surprised to know that 50% of our business comes from outside France. Our company’s goal is not only to market our product/ service but also to add value. We came into the business intending to transform traditional supply chain methods. Hence, we try our best to provide knowledgeable supply chain-related insight, AI, and Data related best practices. We try to participate in as many events as possible, and we frequently organize several webinars to benefit our English and French-speaking market alike.

Today, we conducted our webinar on how to optimize your Mature Data for an efficient supply chain, and we were overwhelmed with the response. It is always refreshing to exchange mutual interest and knowledge and in the process share a value-adding proposition.

We like to put on special emphasis on our existing customers. We conducted several internal brainstorming to work rigorously with the people who trusted us to form a relationship.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your business, and how did you get through it?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard: We launched our solution amidst the pandemic. Hence, the health crisis plays a significant role in the market for us. We were prone to capturing uncertainty in the planning processes. The software was not the priority for our potential customers, but the results were. Our clients expected more reliable supply chains while maintaining competitiveness, and the pandemic made them realize the drawbacks of their existing software. In a way, the pandemic opened doors of opportunity for us but made it critical to focus on providing more resilient planning recommendations in a world of high uncertainty. Getting the first lead was immensely challenging, but we got through and have seen 100% growth ever since. Flowlity is currently working with several companies in the manufacturing and retail sectors, such as Saint-Gobain, Miba, and Bosch. For La Redoute, their software has already led to an inventory reduction of 40%, while e-commerce retailer Camif has reduced stock shortages by 10%.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard: As I said before, we have a talented marketing team who is working effortlessly to help companies know about Flowlity and why they need to reform their supply chains.

We highly rely on Hubspot for our social media, email marketing, and analytics, and some resort to some paid campaigns on LinkedIn and Twitter.

We aim to capture both English and French-speaking markets; hence we create content in both languages to keep our audience up to date.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard:  Flowlity is the first supply chain solution that connects the planning of a company with its suppliers and its customers.

Our main aim is to build a market not only to establish our name but to provide software that is suitable for our clients to build a more efficient supply chain.

Usually, organizations prefer big house names as they are less risky. That is true, but it is also true that they lack innovation sometimes. Flowlity is aiming to evolve itself on each and every step and provide several features and products to enhance its portfolio. Even today, our delivery team is in constant touch with our clients, and we try to incorporate as many features as possible to make our application user-friendly. Weekly, we send release notes to our clients to keep them up to date and conduct user interviews to understand their needs better. We have a high focus on customer satisfaction and delivery.

Your final thoughts?

Jean-Baptiste Clouard:  Flowlity recently raised 5 million euros, and we have begun our descent in the markets of Europe. We are currently focusing on expanding our Flowlity team and building a diverse team from different backgrounds and geographies that will ultimately help us achieve our goals. We are proud to have employees from different ethnicities who are adding great value already. We want to support several European companies and help them transform their supply chain. We are highly focused on building a resilient and sustainable supply chain. Hence, Flowlity is fully committed to a responsible approach and contributes to reducing its customers’ carbon footprint.

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Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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