Meet Pavlos Filippidis of Lab3Web – Train Yourself to Let Go of Everything You Fear to Lose

Pavlos Filippidis Lab3Web

Pavlos Filippidis of Lab3Web tells us about a full-service creative digital marketing agency that connects brands with consumers in the present digital demanding world.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Lab3Web.

Pavlos Filippidis: On a personal note, a coffee addict, an avid food lover, and a globetrotter! On a more serious note, I studied Economics at Birmingham City University in the UK, and immediately after graduation, I got a job in commercial banking. Soon I realized that it wasn’t for me, so I got into sales and Marketing, which I loved. But I had to challenge myself even further, so I made a career shift into a more analytical role and quickly jumped into investment banking. Somewhere between my early career mood swings, I also completed an MSc in E-commerce back in the long 2000. I was fortunate enough to work with big global household names and big players in their market segments, which helped me acquire precious experience and skills. At some point, I felt ready to do what I was always preparing myself for, to become an entrepreneur. After spending almost 15 years in England and other parts of Europe, like another Ulysses, I found my way back to my Ithaca – Corfu, Greece, that is – and created a boutique business consultancy. In 2015, out of the blue, I met Nikos and Makis – the other two former co-founders of Lab3Web, and after a few beers and tapas, we formed a little creative force then and an award-winning agency today, and we called it Lab3Web.

Do you have small habits that made a meaningful impact on your life and business?

Pavlos Filippidis: I think we all do have those small habits. For example, I dedicate at least half an hour to reading every day because learning and staying current are very important, especially in the digital marketing industry. I also listen to uplifting music, which helps me stay positive and eliminate daily stress. Other than that, I also take time to unplug and spend quality time with my family and friends.

How does Lab3Web market its product/services online?

Pavlos Filippidis: In our early days, we focused on producing quality content, which helped us a lot with our organic growth. Nowadays, we use a robust digital strategy through various social media channels and paid marketing.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Pavlos Filippidis: We use quite a lot of tools in order to manage our workflow, to name a few, Google suite, Hubspot, Asana, Semrush, Hootsuite, Adobe Suite, and Canva, amongst others.

What is your hiring policy/process, and how do you retain your employees?

Pavlos Filippidis: Our physical location makes things more difficult for us to attract top talent. We are based on an island on the west coast of Greece where the main industry is tourism. Our hiring policy is quite simple. We try to find suitable candidates that fit our procedures, standards, and culture. We are very transparent and have developed a culture worth bragging about. We are a small and very tight team with hybrid skills, any new employee joining has to go through every single piece of the digital marketing sphere, and once that learning period is over, then we sit down. We discuss what is best for them to focus on. In other words, we invest in our employees via transferable knowledge and skills.

How are you funding your growth?

Pavlos Filippidis: With passion, and hard work, evolving first as human beings and winning new clients also helps.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Pavlos Filippidis: We are in a very competitive landscape, but not at war with anyone, and most certainly not in a winner takes all business situation! We embrace and respect the competition and see it as a healthy motivation; we continuously try to learn from it. We plan to be in the game and to stay in the game. We work hard and play hard; we are always looking to improve; we are also agile and passionate about what we do.

Tell us a customer success story of yours.

Pavlos Filippidis: Success often lies in the eyes of the beholder, but we are generally in this business to contribute to the success stories of all of our clients. We have various successful stories in our portfolio, from national awards to international ones. Most importantly, all of our clients’ success stories can be translated into growth and sales, fame is always nice, but the numbers bring the business in.

Your final thoughts?

Pavlos Filippidis: Be a giver, be kind, stay humble, and remember that positivity wins.

Your website?

Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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