Tonya Mead of Search Remotely on Remote Work Simplified

Tonya Mead Search Remotely

Tonya Mead, CEO of Search Remotely, tells us how the company helps remote workers to up-skill and find new employment opportunities..

First of all, how are you and your family doing? 

Tonya Mead: We are doing great. We are coming to terms with the changes brought about by COVID-19. The good news is that we are beginning to travel more with the US. We just returned from Hawaii after it opened up a bit. Traveling internationally has been more difficult. Thanks for asking.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you joined Search Remotely.

Tonya Mead: I have 15 years of experience as an analyst of data, human behavior, and organizational systems. I have applied this extensive knowledge to design quality control systems and investigative protocols. These innovative systems grounded in information technology and data analytics are then used by state governments to improve performance and foster greater accountability.

I made a major investment in this company based on support from Voya Financial. I have taken over the reins as CEO. The founder Christian Carella of Search Remotely, is a serial entrepreneur. He was interested in embarking on another adventure that would require a bulk of his time. Because I have life experience living and working in Europe and South America, gaining proficiency in other spoken languages as well as working remotely between two continents, this opportunity just felt right.

It is wonderful that the technology platform provided by Search Remotely removes the barriers to remote work, provides a marketplace of job opportunities from around the world, helps employers and recruiters scale up quickly, and offers a job seeker service to help newbies get into the game.

How does your company market its product/services online? 

Tonya Mead: We have used LinkedIn referral services. But most of our leads are received organically based on word of mouth. The relationships built have built a solid reputation of consistently providing high quality, customer focus, and integrity.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how did you get through it?

Tonya Mead: The coronavirus deeply impacted most businesses globally. My business before I purchased Search Remotely was no offering. Before the purchase of Search Remotely, I had managed and operated Shared Knowledge LLC; but as many of the core product offerings relied upon face-to-face services: NLP programming, training, data analytics, and on-the-ground investigations, my advisory board and I felt the need to make a significant shift due to changes in market conditions.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Tonya Mead: For once, I think I have hit that sweet spot where my knowledge, skills, interests, and abilities are fully aligned with the company’s core offerings. The primary aim of Search Remotely is to raise the awareness of all individuals, whether they reside in a remote village in Honduras, the ghettoes of Chicago, DC, Los Angeles, or Baltimore, or whether they live in remote rural areas of India, Africa, Mississippi or West Virginia. Or whether they are affluent world travelers or ex-pats in Switzerland or Luxembourg. Search Remotely is the place to search for and find remote job opportunities. It offers a learning platform for newbies and seasoned remote workers to rev up their digital skillset and improve their employability and marketability in the virtual world of remote work. Finally, Search Remotely really wants to be the go-to forum where employers can go to scale up their remote teams effectively through recruitment.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Tonya Mead: Competition is vital. It is the basis for innovation and societal change. Without which society can become decadent. We plan to continue to build upon the momentum-driven since the inception of Search Remotely. Even though we thrive on healthy competition, we believe in the importance of serving society. Each day, we ask these questions, “how can we help others realize their dreams? How can we help them achieve their divine destiny?” There are people who are alone and have no mentors. All they have is the desire to better themselves and the world in which they live. Search Remotely wants to be the conduit.

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Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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