Vipin Jain on How Konstant Infosolutions Delivers Innovation for Industries Everywhere

Vipin Jain Konstant Infosolutions

Vipin Jain, CEO/Co-Founder of Konstant Infosolutions, tells us how they combine technology and innovation to create actionable websites and mobile applications. 

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Konstant Infosolutions.

Vipin Jain: I head Konstant Infosolutions as Chief Executive Officer, along with Co-Founder and Managing Director – Mr. Manish Jain. Together we have raised a notable mobile app development company in India and spread across the U.S. We combined our ideas, plans, and strategies right after our high-school graduation. Through my reminiscences in these 19+ years, we can safely and explicitly state that we have adored people from various verticals with critical degrees in the competitive environment, as well as those with skills who had the potential to fit in and go with the flow. 

Do you have small habits that made a meaningful impact on your life and business?

Vipin Jain: I would like to exert the need to constantly learn, innovate, and improve skills by the day. We keep enhancing our skill set by taking courses in Accounting, Marketing, and Human Resources Management. Throughout our ascension to the business world, we succeeded where most people fail due to their shared ignorance with their employers or counterparts to assess their capabilities constructively. 

My initial duties involved communicating with shareholders and government entities. I led the development of the company’s short and long-term strategy. Together with board members, we’ve created the organization’s vision and mission. My role also involves evaluating the work of executive leaders within the company, which includes directors, project leaders, project managers, and team leaders.

I watch out for lurking competition, expansion opportunities, industry development, etc. I am committed to maintaining a high social responsibility, assessing and mitigating any risks, and setting strategies with measurable goals. 

How does Konstant Infosolutions market its product/services online? 

Vipin Jain: Patience and attention to detail are fundaments for creating a marketing and promotional strategy. Even if we offer alterations, we prefer not to tag technical jargon with our software to be published. We personalize our marketing efforts hoping our business to perform better in the long run. 

As we target buyers, users, purchase influencers, and C-level executives of startups, and enterprises, we emphasize creating an accurate buyer persona that guides us through the web design and digital marketing process to reach a niche audience that is actually involved in making buying decisions. 

Whether it is via – (1) Videos, (2) Infographics, (3) Banners, (4) Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, (5) articles, (6) Mailing, (7) Website design, (8) Mobile marketing, or (9) Video marketing, (10) Search Engine Optimization (SEO), (11) Social media marketing, (12) Media Relations, we specialize in B2B, and B2C technologies and are accustomed to working with clients in complex industries. 

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Vipin Jain: Our SEO may not necessarily look quick and easy, and it might not yield immediate effects, but we want to emphasize that consistent keyword search – market-defining keywords, customer-defining keywords, product keywords, industry thought keywords, competing company names, related vertical keywords, geo-targeted keywords pin our overall marketing strategy. 

To multiply our SEO efforts in different situations, we use short tail, long tail, short-term, long-term, product defining, customer defining, geo-targeting, and intent targeting keywords.  

We offer post-deployment support, regular updates, state-of-art-design, and cost-effective app development. Often with alterations, clients request to turn it out as fast as possible, reduce the cost a bit more, and have a certain module done in a day. A high-quality development company will simply refuse to accept such terms, but we keep it flexible. If we believe that certain work will take more time, we convey it to our clients. We want our work to speak for itself, and they eventually want to do the job right. So if they know that it is a ‘no’ from our side, they also know that ‘we’re pretty good.

What is your hiring policy/process, and how do you retain your employees?

Vipin Jain: We make our employees feel confident about themselves. We have empowered them to be suggestive yet abide by all standard rules. We consider punishing the ones who flout yet rewarding the ones who outperform. This helps us build trust, which is especially important while reviewing highly performant individuals and motivating newcomers. 

To make the hiring look seamless, we recognize three things as pivotal to a person’s professional success:

● Being in the right place at the right time

● Rely on a robust and trustful team of people

● The results (accomplishing goals and achieving the targeted numbers)

The advancement in IoT, NFT, Wearable, and Cloud technologies and their applications in the business world are a fantastic breakthrough because the motivation of employees skyrockets when they contribute according to their capabilities. Furthermore, their energy is harnessed to remain at a high level, stabilizing the longevity of their respective company. 

How are you funding your growth?

Vipin Jain: We empower employees, raise engagement, and boost retention. We try to identify every skill required for every job in the company. Once we have that database of information, the things we can do is endless, and the kind of environment we can create for employees. 

We got into the business of helping people grow and up-skilled ourselves. We do various things to know our employees’ skills better. We will keep creating a suitable environment for the employees (newcomers and experienced) who present dandy jobs. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Vipin Jain: We can easily determine the ones who are repeating what we have already done in the past and those who are trying to imitate every step of design, development, or marketing. Although someone might be too skilled to brush all the allegations aside, the final work would always lack originality. And that’s the reason why our clients vouch for our services. Cheers!

Tell us Your Customer Success Story.

Vipin Jain: Our road ahead was not paved with pedals, though. We had to overcome various struggles in this journey, with the suspicion of not having a setup or advanced laboratories for emerging technologies, data science, and artificial intelligence. But, we never gave up on the quest to enhance our skills and opportunities to grow as a professional company.  

Your final thoughts?

Vipin Jain: The path from adversities to running an esteemed company wasn’t quick and smooth. But, I believe that if you can align your beliefs and mindset in a certain way, you can have unlimited visibility in life. My motto is, “Every day is the best day at work – Go crush it!”

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Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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