Xack Fischer tells us about Rainworks, a magical type of street art that only appears when it rains.
First of all, how are you and your family doing?
Xack Fischer: I’m doing great and happy to report that my family is as well. Thanks for asking.
Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Rainworks.
Xack Fischer: Rainworks was the brainchild of my best friend, Peregrine Church. He and I are always looking for ways to make the world a more fun & interesting place, so when he got the idea of creating magical street art that would only appear on rainy days, we got really excited and ran with the concept. We started making rain-activated street art pieces (or, as we call them, “rainworks” all over Seattle.
After we’d been making rainworks around Seattle for about a year, some friends made a video about our project – and it went viral. Suddenly, people from all over the world were reaching out to us, wanting to create their own rainworks. So we launched a Kickstarter campaign to begin getting rainworks materials to artists worldwide.
How does Rainworks market its product/services online?
Xack Fischer: The biggest form of marketing for us is simply creating new content. People love discovering rainworks, so we try to always come up with new creative ideas for designs. We make videos and photos and leverage social media to tell our story!
How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how did you get through it?
Xack Fischer: The pandemic definitely was a tough time. A lot of our returning customers are schools & cities who want to incorporate rainworks into their local art projects, but a lot of those types of projects were halted during the pandemic. Fortunately, we received some federal assistance and took some big steps (such as offering stencils) that helped keep us afloat. Now that things are starting to open up and kids are back in school, we’re starting to see people return to fun projects like rainworks!
What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?
Xack Fischer: We work with a number of different tools! Slack, Asana, Trello, Evernote, and Heropost are some of the tools that come to mind in our day-to-day organization.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Xack Fischer: Rainworks is a pretty unique medium, so we don’t have a lot of direct competition. Some people try to use off-brand products like wax or neverwet or tire cleaner to create rain-activated art, but those materials don’t work nearly as well -as they aren’t invisible when dry and can be toxic to the environment. Since our product is totally invisible and environmentally safe, we hope to be around for a long time!
Your final thoughts?
Xack Fischer: Anybody can get involved with rainworks! We love seeing what people create. Check out the gallery on our website, www.rain.works, or download the Rainworks app on your mobile phone! We love having creative people join our community.