Lidiya Kesarovska of Let’s Reach Success & Bold Business School tells us how she helps high vibe women create an abundant business so they can be financially free, become their most ambitious self, and serve their purpose.
Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Let’s Reach Success & Bold Business School.
Lidiya Kesarovska: I’m a blogger, course creator, and Let’s Reach Success and Bold Business School founder. With my content and programs, I help people start and grow an abundant, authentic online business so they can have all the freedom they crave, live their best life, and provide epic value.
Do you have small habits that made a meaningful impact on your life and business?
Lidiya Kesarovska: Yes, it turns out that the small success habits lead to the big results in both life and business. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the curiosity always to learn more and try new ways of making something work, the desire to serve people online through my content, the ability to push myself when necessary and take a break when I feel like so there’s balance. But here are a few more specific habits that I rely on to run my business smoothly and see progress in all areas of life:
– Only creating content and releasing programs that I truly believe in;
– Following inspiration when it hits (it might mean staying up late to work on a new business idea, canceling things for the week to create content for a new course, etc.);
– Constantly re-evaluating everything and removing tasks from my to-do list and business activities that aren’t getting me in the right direction;
– Continuously learning more about my business model;
– Taking courses, reading books, and listening to podcasts on personal growth and spirituality almost daily;
Saying No often (to clients who aren’t a good fit, things taking away my time, what doesn’t feel right, to goals that aren’t aligned anymore, etc.)
– Doing tapping (EFT), breathwork, guided meditation, and hypnosis a few times a week to balance my nervous system, heal, work on limiting beliefs and release stuck energy;
– Have a CEO day at the beginning of each month to analyze the numbers and everything I did the previous 4 weeks, what worked and what didn’t, and make decisions and set goals for the new month.
How does Let’s Reach Success & Bold Business School market its product/services online?
Lidiya Kesarovska: Mostly through my free content (articles on the blog that can get found through search engines, the podcast that reaches listeners on all major podcasting platforms and Instagram). In addition, I use Pinterest to distribute my content.
During a launch, I use my newsletter and Instagram to spread the word about the new product.
I also participate in bundles with other course creators, which grows my audience with new students joining my email list.
What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?
Lidiya Kesarovska: My blog is hosted on WordPress, the podcast on Blubrry, and the courses on Teachable. The actual website hosting platform for the blog is WPX, and I have another site hosted on SiteGround.
For email marketing, I use ConvertKit. My go-to tool for anything related to graphic design is Canva.
I highly recommend all of these.
What is your hiring policy/process, and how do you retain your employees?
Lidiya Kesarovska: I’m a one-person business, and that isn’t about to change any time soon. I have an accountant and once hired a Pinterest manager for 6 months, but I didn’t need that device anymore after that.
How are you funding your growth?
Lidiya Kesarovska: One of the best things about online business is that you can start with no money. For the first few years of my business, when I was a freelance writer and earned from my blog, my only expense was website hosting.
Later on, as the income increased and there was more stability (then I wasn’t freelancing anymore but was focused solely on my platforms and monetized them in different ways), I started investing in better tools and programs to learn more about business. Everything happened gradually and naturally, and I’m happy about it.
If you’re growing a business on the side of your day job and can easily invest more into it from day 1, that’s great. It can definitely save you time.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Lidiya Kesarovska: I was really focused on analyzing my competitors when I was a full-time blogger, but I let go of that in the last years. I teach business in a unique way, and even if many others are covering the same topics, enough people are looking for that information out there, so we all have to keep serving them.
I support every other entrepreneur and don’t consider them competitors. We’re all in this together, and yet everyone is doing it their way.
Tell us a customer success story of yours.
Lidiya Kesarovska: Most of the success stories I’ve heard from people from my audience were when I was focused on teaching them how to start a blogging business (now I teach people how to build a digital product business, create their dream offer and sell it with confidence.)
I inspired many of them to overcome their mental barriers and actually start a blog and create content. I always encourage my audience to reach out to me via email and ask any questions. When that happens, I always respond and give guidance. There are more times than I can remember that I’ve helped people define their niche, set up their website, use the right tools, optimize their blog posts, monetize, earn passive income, etc.
Some people’s feedback was so amazing that it made me emotional. These are the things that make all I do worth it. And inside my courses, I dive even deeper into the mindset work and strategies for building a business.
Your final thoughts.
Lidiya Kesarovska: I want to encourage other entrepreneurs not to give up. Explore different business models until they find the one that works for them and actually feels right. I was first a freelance writer, then built a blogging business, and now run an online course business (meaning that my main focus is creating and selling programs). Transitioning is not easy and quick, but I owe it to myself to take a right next step in my journey when I know what that is, so I hope you do the same.
Also, don’t be afraid to admit that something simply isn’t working for you and ditch it, whether it’s your niche, a social platform, a marketing strategy, or something like waking up early. You can do things your way and still have a profitable business and an enjoyable life.
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