Hardeep Singh of Skyracle Technologies tells us about digital solutions and digital transformation.
Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded Skyracle Technologies?
Hardeep Singh: My entrepreneurial journey started with ZERO rupees when I was 17, with high aspirations and big dreams. Due to necessity, I started pitching website designing to local businesses (as a side gig with my night call center job) to fund my studies, which later became a passion and obsession for the digital domain, leading to the genesis of “Skyracle” in 2013.
Do you have small habits that made a meaningful impact on your life and business?
Hardeep Singh: I have a habit of reading books and listening to podcasts on self-development, business, marketing, user experience, processes, people management, cloud, and other technologies, which have become a great mentor and best source of learning for me to significantly scale my business and life.
How does Skyracle Technologies market its services online?
Hardeep Singh: We generally don’t do any promotional activities as we mainly get our business through references and word of mouth from our existing clients. But we do love blogging and sharing with our clients tips and curiosities about technologies. We try to offer a personalized solution to each client and continually learn the industry trends. It is great to see small-mid companies expanding and going global, and for us, a successful client is a promotion tool.
What are your views on the IT Industry, and what have been your contributions?
Hardeep Singh: Even after the COVID-19 Pandemic, the IT industry is expected to have an enormous market boom from US$ 131 Billion in 2020 to US$ 295 in the next five years by 2025. IT Industry has transformed the shape of the businesses in the Indian market, and it will continue to do the same for many decades to come. Information Technology has contributed to a major part of the Indian Economy and employment generation in the last few decades. The percentage is expected to only rise in the future.
We are an IT Outsourcing company canvassing the dream of others. We develop Digital Strategies, Mobile applications, Software, Cloud Services, websites, and IT Consultancy, which various Startups / Businesses need. Right, from the start, we were very sure about two things, one was to have a very employee-friendly organization and second, to provide high-class services to our clients. Since then, we have 100% client satisfaction behind the growth we have achieved in just a few years.
What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?
Hardeep Singh: We mainly focus on creating content that’s really useful to our clients. Much of our traffic is generated through organic sources and social shares. We use standard tools such as Ahrefs, Freshdesk, Canva, Slack, and marketing analytics like Google Analytics, etc.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Hardeep Singh: Our competitors are primarily mid-size IT outsourcing companies like ours. Our plan for the future to stay competitive is to keep learning, developing, and expanding our team and, at the same time, also focus on better understanding our client’s needs. Our great results and awards will keep us on track.
Your final thoughts?
Hardeep Singh: No matter how difficult times are or how many times you fail, the business world requires you to be consistent, and the rest follows on its own. You should always back yourself in every decision and stay positive in life.