It’s Only by Getting Together That We Can Overcome Business Challenges

Yulia Koroleva Code Inspiration

Yulia Koroleva, CBDO at Code Inspiration tells us about custom software development and the effects of Covid-19. 

First, how are you and your family doing? 

Yulia Koroleva: I want to thank you for the invite. My family and I are doing great. We have just moved to live and work in Warsaw and honestly enjoy being here.

Tell us about you, your career, and how you joined Code Inspiration.

Yulia Koroleva: I’ve been working in the B2B sphere for the last 10 years. I started my career at a wholesale company and further on joined Code Inspiration – an international custom software development company. Currently, I am CBDO and co-owner of the company, doing all the leading stuff when it comes to sales and marketing, while my partner is responsible for the management and tech side of our strategies. 

How does Code Inspiration market its product/services online? 

Yulia Koroleva: I would say we prefer a soft approach, not pushing our services with aggressive marketing here and there. The truth is that Code Inspiration has been operating for 12 years and has already built its reputation. The main source of getting new customers for us is PR, and at the moment, we even have a waiting list of projects about to start. However, we continue sharing our experience on different platforms and on our website to show our achievements in the industry, persuade our current clients they have made the right choice as well as attract new prospects.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how did you get through it?

Yulia Koroleva: Well, I was really waiting for the moment when we would say goodbye to Covid-19. In Poland, officially, the pandemic will end by the end of May. So I can say, yes, we definitely had issues overcoming the pandemic, but we are definitely back to normal. I would say we have overcome it like about 1 year ago. Before Covid, 30% of our business was connected to travel. Needless to say, we lost that part during Covid but successfully switched to other niches. We also had a challenge with our development staff, as not everyone was honest enough to work the number of hours they would be working from the office. But finally, all was for the better. We managed to get rid of dishonest employees, changed some business strategies, and achieved excellent turnover by providing dedicated team services additionally to maintenance services and project consulting services. 

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to manage your online marketing?

Yulia Koroleva: As I mentioned, instead of using Google Ads or sending emails to different “decision-makers” expecting this to bring traffic, we prefer to participate in the digital life of the industry by sharing our experience in the form of guest posts or articles published at reputable resources. For example, I enjoy being an official Forbes Business Council member. We always have seminars and online meetings and represent our businesses in the community and publish our thoughts in Expert panel replies or writing articles at

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Yulia Koroleva: Needless to say, there is a terrible amount of companies all over the world providing similar services; however, currently, the IT community in Europe is very united. I would say our intention is to help each other become even better, supporting one another with resources and necessary knowledge to earn even more as a result. 

Honesty and hardworking – those two points helped us to survive in difficult times. We’re always trying to do the max and pay special attention not only to the quality but also to the comfort of working with us.

Your final thoughts?

Yulia Koroleva: Currently, we have surpassed Covid, but other than that international community is facing even bigger challenges today. So, I would advise all businesses and business owners to get united in resolving business challenges and be even more professional in doing business in whatever industry you are in.

Your website?

Kokou A.

Kokou Adzo, editor of TUBETORIAL, is passionate about business and tech. A Master's graduate in Communications and Political Science from Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France), he oversees editorial operations at


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